Wissenschaftliche Artikel
Krylova M*, Ristow I*, Marr V, Borchardt V, Li M, Zacharias N, Harris JA, Witzel J, Drumkova K, Amelung T, Schiltz K, Beier KM, Kruger THC, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Walter H, Kärgel C & Walter M: MEG reveals preference specific increases of sexual-image-evoked responses in paedophilic sexual offenders and healthy controls, World J Biol Psychiatry, 2021, in press
Ristow I & Kärgel C: The Role of Atypical Sexual Preference and Behavior in Neuroelectrophysiological Research of Human Sexual Behavior, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2021, in press
Schuler M, Mohnke S, Amelung T, Dziobek I, Borchardt V, Gerwinn H, Kärgel C, Kneer J, Massau C, Pohl A, Weiß S, Pieper S, Sinke C, Beier CM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Kruger THC & Walter H: Empathy in paedophilia and sexual offending against children: a longitudinal extension, Journal of Sexual Aggression, 2021, in press
Ristow I, Foell J, Kärgel C Borchard V, Li S, Denzel D, Witzel J, Drumkova K, Beier K, Kruger THC, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Schiltz K, Walter H & Walter M: Expectation of sexual images of adults and children elicits differential dorsal anterior cingulate cortex activation in pedophilic sexual offenders and healthy controls, Neuroimage Clin. 2019;23:101863.
Gibbels C, Sinke C, Kneer J, Amelung T, Mohnke S, Beier KM, Walter H, Schiltz K, Gerwinn H, Pohl A, Ponseti J, Foedisch C, Ristow I, Walter M, Kaergel C, Massau C, Schiffer B & Kruger THC: Two sides of one coin: A comparison of clinical and neurobiolog-ical characteristics of convicted and non-convicted pedophilic child sexual offenders, J Clin Med. 2019 Jun 29;8(7). pii: E947.
Kneer J, Borchardt V, Kärgel C, Sinke C,Massau C, Tenbergen G, Ponseti J, Walter H, M. Beier B, Schiffer B, Schiltz K, Walter M, & H.C. Kruger T: Diminished fronto-limbic functional connectivity in child sexual offenders, J Psychiatr Res. 2019 Jan;108:48-56
Krueger T, Sinke C, Kneer J, Tenbergen G, Engler H, Gerwinn H, Schwank N v W , Pohl A, Weiss S, Amelung S, Mohnke S, Massau C, Kärgel C, Walter M, Beier K, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Walter H, Jahn K, Frieling H, Khan AQ, Burkert A & Engling LM: Child Sexual Offenders Show Prenatal and Epigenetic Alterations of the Androgen System, Transl Psychiatry. 2019 Jan 18;9(1):28
Ristow I, Li M, Colic L, Marr V, Födisch C, Düring FV, Schiltz K, Drumkova K, Witzel J, Walter H, Beier K, Kruger THC, Ponseti J, Schiffer B & Walter M: Pedophilic sex offenders are characterised by reduced GABA concentration in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex,Neuroimage Clin. 2018 Jan 31;18:335-341.
Unterhorst K, Gerwinn H, Pohl A, Kärgel C, Massau C, Ristow I, Kneer J, Amelung T, Walter H, Beier K, Walter M, Schiffer B, Krüger T, Stirn A & Ponseti J:An exploratory study on the central nervous correlates of sexual excitation and sexual inhibition, J Sex Res. 2018 Nov 29:1-12.
Lett T A, Mohnke S, Amelung T, Brandl E J, Schiltz K, Pohl A, Gerwinn H, Kärgel C, Massau C, Tenbergen G, Wittfoth M, Kneer J, Beier KM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Krüger T, Schiffer B & Walter H: Multimodal neuroimaging measures and intelligence influence pedophile child sexual offense behavior, Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2018 Jul;28(7):818-827.
Gerwinn H, Weiß S, Tenbergene G, Amelung T, Födisch C, Pohl A, Massau C, Mohnke S,Kärgel C, Wittfoth M, Jung S, Drumkova K, Walter M, Beier K M, Walter H, Ponseti J, Schiffer B & Kruger HC T: Clinical characteristics associated with paedophilia and child sex offending – Differentiating sexual preference from offence status, Eur Psychiatry. 2018 Jun;51:74-85.
Massau C, Kärgel C, Weiß S, Walter M, Ponseti J, Krüger THC, Walter H & Schiffer B: Neural correlates of moral judgement in pedophilia. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), 2017 Sep 1;12(9):1490-1499.
Massau C, Tenbergen G, Kärgel C, Weiß S, Gerwinnh H, Pohl A, Amelung T, Mohnke S, Kneer J, Wittfoth M, Ristow I, Schiltz K, Beier KM, Ponseti J, Walter M, Krüger THC, Walter H & Schiffer B: Executive functioning in pedophilia and child sexual offending. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (JINS), 2017 Jul;23(6):460-470.
Schiffer B, Amelung T, Pohl A, Kärgel C, Tenbergen G, Gerwinn H, Mohnke S, Massau C, Wittfoth M, Weiß S, Marr V, Beier KM, Walter M, Ponseti J, Krüger THC, Schiltz K, Walter H: Gray matter abnormalities in pedophiles with and without a history of child sexual offending. Translational Psychiatry, 2017, 7, e1129.
Weidacker K, Kärgel C, Massau C, Weiß S, Kneer J, Krüger THC, Schiffer B: Approach and avoidance tendencies toward picture stimuli of (pre-)pubescent children and adults: An investigation in pedophilic and non-pedophilic men. Sexual Abuse: A journal of research and treatment, published online in March 2017.
Kärgel C, Massau C, Weiß S, Walter M, Borchardt V, Krüger THC, Tenbergen G, Kneer J, Wittfoth M, Pohl A, Gerwinn H, Ponseti J, Amelung T, Beier KM, Mohnke S, Walter H, Schiffer B: Evidence for superior neurobiological and behavioral inhibitory control abilities in non-offending as compared to offending pedophiles. Human Brain Mapping, 2016, 38(2):1092-1104.
Tenbergen G, Wittfoth M, Frieling H, Ponseti J, Walter M, Walter H, Beier K, Schiffer B, Kruger THC: The Neurobiology and Psychology of Pedophilia: Recent Advances and Challenges.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2015, 9:344
Kärgel C, Massau C, Weiß S, Walter M, Krüger THC, Schiffer B: Diminished functional connectivity on the road to child sexual abuse in pedophilia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2015, 12(3):783-95.
Mohnke S, Müller S, Amelung T, Krüger TH, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Walter M, Beier KM, Walter H: Brain Alterations In Paedophilia: A Critical Review. Progress in Neurobiology. Progress In Neurobiology. 2014, 122:1-23.
Ponseti J, Granert O, van Eimeren T, Hansen O, Wolff S, Beier K, Deuschl G, Bosinski H, Siebner H: Human Face processing is tuned to sexual age preferences. Biology Letters, 2014, 10(5):20140200.
Ponseti J, Granert O, Jansen O, Wolff S, Beier K, Neutze J, Deuschl G, Mehdorn H, Siebner H, Bosinski H: Assessment of Pedophilia Using Hemodynamic Brain Response to Sexual Stimuli. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2012, 69(2), 187-194.
Krueger THC and Schiffer B, 2011: Neurocognitive and Personality Factors in Homo- and Heterosexual Pedophiles and Controls. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(6), 1650-1659.
Schiffer B and Vonlaufen C, 2011: Executive Dysfunctions in Pedophilic and Nonpedophilic Child Molesters. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(7), 1975–1984.
Schiffer B et al., 2009: Reduced Neuronal Responsiveness to Visual Sexual Stimuli in a Pedophile Treated with a Long-Acting LH-RH Agonist. The Journal of Sexual Medicine pages 892–894,(3), 892-894.
Schiffer B et al., 2008: Functional brain correlates of heterosexual paedophilia. NeuroImage 41, 80-91.
Schiffer B et al., 2008: Brain response to visual sexual stimuli in
homosexual pedophiles. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 33(1), 23-33.
Walter M et al., 2007: Pedophilia is Linked to Reduced Activation in Hypothalamus and Lateral Prefrontal Cortex During Visual Erotic Stimulation. Biological Psychiatry, 62, 698-701.
Schiltz K et al., 2007: Brain Pathology in Pedophilic Offenders. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 737-746.
Schiffer B et al. 2007: Structural brain abnormalities in the frontostriatal system and cerebellum in pedophilia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41(9); 753–762.
Deutschsprachige Artikel
Krüger THC und Walter M & der NeMUP Forschungsverbund (Beier K, Ponseti J, Schiffer B, Walter H): Pädophilie und Kindesmissbrauch: neurowissenschaftliche und psychologische Perspektiven. Männergesundheitsbericht "Sexualität von Männern" 2016, Herausgeber: Bardehle D und Voß HJ
Beier KM, Krüger THC, Walter H, Schiffer B, Ponseti J, Walter M: Pädophilie und sexueller Kindesmissbrauch- Klinik und Forschung. Trauma & Gewalt. 2015(9), 2:2-17.
Schiffer, B. (2013) Pädophilie. In: A. Stirn, R. Stark, K. Tabbert, S. Wehrum-Osinsky & S. Oddo (Hrsg.) Sexualität, Körper und Neurobiologie – Grundlagen und Störungsbilder im interdisziplinären Fokus (251-261). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer
Schiffer B, 2007: Neurobiologie abweichenden Sexualverhaltens. Forensische Psychiatrie Psychologie und Kriminologie
Ponseti et al. 2001: Zur Ätiologie von Sexualstraftaten: Neuropsychologische Parameter und Komorbidität. Sexuologie 8(2), 65-77.