NeMUP research initiative

Neural mechanisms underlying pedophilia and sexual offending against children:
origins, assessment, and therapies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pedophilia?

Pedophilia means being sexually aroused by children, whose bodily development is not yet in the stage of puberty (in general ten to eleven years of age). This term should not be used until there are repeated sexual fantasies, impulses, or actions towards children are expressed.

What is hebephilia?

The term hebephilia is used, if such a sexual attraction is evoked by children and teenagers, whose bodily development already shows characteristics of puberty (in general eleven to forteen years of age). Humans with a sexual interest in children or teenagers do neither necessarily commit sexual assault nor use respective illustrations depicting sexual abuse (so called child pornography). That is the reason why pedophilia and hebephilia need to be distinguished from child sexual abuse.

And what is child sexual abuse?

The penal naming of child sexual abuse describes exclusively sexual acts involving children, while pedophilia and hebephilia are understood as sexual affection. Half of the sexual offenders are neither hebephile nor pedophile.



What do the terms ‘Hellfeld’ and ‘Dunkelfeld’ mean?

Individuals who have been identified as having had sexual contact with children regardless of whether or not they have sexual preferences for children are reckoned among the ‘Hellfeld’ (literal translation: bright-field). Crimes, which are in any form known to the justice system, are considered crimes in the Hellfeld.
A large amount of the actually committed sexual assaults against children, however, is not reported and consequently not covered by judicial and law enforcement and is therefore also not listed in any crime statistics.
In criminology, this area is referred to as ‘Dunkelfeld’ (literally translated as dark-field).

Why is it important to distinguish the neurobiological basis of disposition and behavioral disorder?

A disposition describes an individual orientation towards people or objects, that is projected onto objects, activities, experiences and areas of life and can fluctuate in intensity and duration.
A behavioral disorder or disorder of conduct is considered a persistent breach of age-appropriate societal norms and violations of rights of others.
Compared to men, girls and women show such antisocial behavior much less.
Dissociality is a disorder listed by ICD-10 and DSM-IV, with a duration of at least six months.
In contrast to a disposition, the behavioral disorder has a defined etiopathogenesis, symptoms and neurobiological changes.
Therapies can teach the patient, to control his behavior.

How does the NeMUP project help pedophiles?

Many pedophilic men are not aware of their disposition.
They might not have sexually assaulted children, but the possibility, or the urge, is existent.
If an exact diagnosis can be made early, treatment measures can be taken advantage of and in this way it can on the one hand be prevented that pedophilica commit crimes and on the other hand that children are abused.
As the current state of science, pedophilia is neither curable, nor is there any causal explanation regarding its development. Previous study results point towards a combination of psychological, social, and biological factors. Further studies are required to understand both origin and course in greater detail, aiming at improving therapy and offering extensive help to all parties concerned.
Participation in the studies of the NeMUP project (also as a control subject) will actively support researchers towards these goals.

How does the society benefit from the project?

With any disease or disorder the best treatment is based on a thorough diagnostic and should support the patient in keeping his suffering under control and relieving the symptoms.
In the case of pedophilia, another benefit is the crime prevention effect, through which the number of potential victims should be reduced.
Expenses from the government on prison accommodation of offenders who were convicted of child sexual abuse, could be used elsewhere for medical treatment and prevention.

How is the NeMUP project linked to the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (PPD), also known as “Don’t offend”?

Don’t-offend is a prevention project with the goal to provide a therapeutic offer for humans sexually aroused by children and hence seeking help, which is complimentary, extensive and underlies the pledge of confidentiality. Present participating sites are Kiel, Hannover, Hamburg, Leipzig, Regensburg and Stralsund. Next to the participation in individual- and grouptherapies, a participation in scientific studies is explicitly desired. In this way, new knowledge regarding development, prevalence, diagnistic, and therapy can be aquired and exisiting offers can be improved. The research network NeMUP is one of these scientific projects.

How is the NeMUP project promoted?

The NeMUP network project is promoted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – BMBF) within the emphasis on abuse, neglect and violence. In 2010 the Federal Government established the roundtable “Child sexual abuse in dependent and power relations in private and public facilities and in domestic reach”. Sexual abuse of children and adolescents is a long known problem. However the topic was not only tabooed in public but also in research for a long period of time. The goal is to prevent children and adolescents from sexual violence and to remove the taboos from the issue of abuse.

Why are there 5 sites participating in the research association?

Each site represents a specific research interest and focus within the association project. In Hannover the focus is on neuroendocrinologic and epigenetic aspects, whereas Berlin examines empathy and regulation of emotions. Duisburg-Essen focuses on cognitive control mechanisms in regulation of behavior. In Kiel magnetic resonance imaging is to be validated as a new diagnostic method and Magdeburg focuses on neuronal messengers and non-invasive biomarkers as differential diagnosis.
Data collection in several sites is capable of increasing statistic validity of research findings.

Does participation in the study have any side effects or risks?

A physician will elaborately inform subjects about the study. During the study the subjects will fill in questionnaires, will have their blood drawn, and magnetic resonance imaging will be performed. The risks and side effects of the study are equivalent to a routinely visit to the doctor. Magnetic resonance imaging is non-invasive and does not include X-radiation.

How can I participate in the study?

If you are interested to partake in the studies, as pedophilic or control subject, you can either by phone or by email directly contact the person responsible for the site in your area. Of course you can do so without mentioning your name. It is not necessary to select the site closest to the home address. Click on the site of your choice to send an email directly: Berlin, Essen, Kiel, Hannover, Magdeburg.

The respective email adress is composed of "probanden_" + "name of the city in small letters" + "".

Anonymization and confidentiality

Data collection is anonymized from the beginning and all staff working in the project underlies the pledge of confidentiality.

Does the diagnosis mean it’s not my fault?

No. With today’s knowledge being sexually aroused by children before or during puberty is not the free choice of the affected person. However, living out or suppressing stimuli is a free choice. Goal of the research association is to investigate causes of both the sexual preference and the potentially lacking ability to control sexual actions. Identifying eventual biological correlates cannot release an affected human from the responsibility to control impulses that would endanger or harm others.



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